Saturday, November 22, 2014

An inch of fun!

A tiny bit of art,  simple collage,  so fun.  I painted both sides of a piece of watercolor paper with random colors,  stencils and ink blots and then cut 1 inch and 2 inch squares. A good way to get happy!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Good plans gone awry.

I have been seemingly lost in the land of chaos and depression for a while, not sure if I will be completely out anytime soon, but having a few brighter days now and then. Doing a bit of art journaling from time to time. Seems to help.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Recent Finds to Re-purpose

I've collected many cool and odd vintage items over the years, and I want to try to do something with them. One of my favorite types of art is unusual items re-purposed in some fashion, into an art piece. One inspiring artist I enjoy is Juli Steel, you can see her work here . I hope to begin a project soon, but who knows when it will be finished! Some items in the photo may be included... or not... we'll see!